Atget: Art of Photograph

It is debatable how photograph, initially as a mere recording technique, can be a kind of art. Here Eugene Atget gives us some insight. Different than Ansel Adams's interest in moutains and the wild life, Atget's theme is city scenery and french civilization.

Early morning is a perfect time for photograph. It is when Atget works regularly. He loves Paris. You can easily feel that through his eyes to the rooms, the artifacts, and the streets. Out in the street, the air is always still and quiet. Only light is changing, and playing with shadows. He enjoys the reflection on the surface. In his composition, diagonal is prominent to create a sense of depth in space.

There are very few people and activities in his early works. The interpreter in the exhibition told me Atget was more interested to shoot the back of the people, without seeing their faces. He did some portraits later. He also paid attention to some people living in lower classes.

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